SET/RESP format:
TD$mt; where <m> is the text-decode mode and <t> is the
text-decode threshold (where applicable). Text decode modes for CW: 0=off, 1=TX only,
1=RX/TX [RX to 35 WPM], 2=RX/TX [RX to 50 WPM], 3=RX/TX [RX to 60 WPM].
Text decode modes for DATA: 0=off, 1=on. Text encode mode for SSB: 0=2-TONE off,
1=on. Threshold settings for CW: 0=AUTO, 1-9=fixed levels. Threshold setting is not used
in AFSK-A, FSK-D, and PSK-D modes.
SET/RESP format:
TEabcdefgh; where a through h are 3-character decimal fields,
each specifying a range of –16 to +16 dB. +00 is "Flat." Values a - h correspond to EQ
bands as follows: a = 100 Hz, b = 200 Hz, c = 400 Hz, d = 800 Hz, e = 1200 Hz, f = 1600
Hz, g = 2400 Hz, h = 3200 Hz.
(TX Gain constant) [Pending]
(TX Meter Data)
Automatically delivered to clients when TX metering data changes.
AUTORESP format:
TMaaabbbcccddd; where aaa is ALC (bars), bbb is CMP (dB), ccc is
FWD power (watts in QRO mode, tenths of a watt in QRP mode), and ddd is SWR (1/10th
SET format:
TMx; where x is 1 for on and 0 for off.
(TX query; GET only)
RESP format:
TQn; where n = 1 if the K4 is in transmit mode.
(TX Test Mode)
SET/RESP format:
TSn; where n is 0 (test mode off) or 1 (test mode on). If TX test
mode is in effect, the "TX" icon flashes and the transceier will not put out power, though it
still keys any downstream gear. Can be used to pre-set mic gain and compression off-air
since the ALC meter functions on audio alone.
TOGGLE format:
TS/; turns TX test mode on if it was off and vice-versa.