General Information ............................................................. 3
Technical Data Sheet .......................................................... 4
Burner Construction .......................................................... 10
Mounting the Burner to the Boiler ...................................... 11
Combustion Air Fan Drive Modes ..................................... 12
Dimensioned Drawing for RPD Burner 20 - 100 ............... 13
Burner scheme Gas train .................................................. 15
Hydraulic Scheme ............................................................. 17
Hydraulic Scheme ............................................................. 18
Mounting Position Leak Test Ignition Gas Connection
Ignition Burner Type ZT0 ................................................... 20
Ignition Gas Solenoid Valve .............................................. 24
Oil Connection Fuel Oil Supply ......................................... 25
Oil Connection ................................................................... 26
Medium pressure screw pumps ........................................ 27
Burner Pump Assembly Electrical Connection .................. 29
Return Nozzle Rod DG 75 ................................................. 30
Return Nozzle Rod MAT ................................................... 31
Throughput Rate Charakteristics Light Fuel Oil ................ 32
Throughput Rate Charakteristics Heavy Fuel Oil .............. 40
Dimensions of the Mixing Unit ........................................... 49
Draw-out and Swing Mechanism ....................................... 50
Air Flow Adjustment
Oil Flow and Gas Rate Adjustment ................................... 51
Mechanical Compound Controller ..................................... 52
Pressure Setting ................................................................ 53
Removal and Replacing the Shaft Seal
of the Return Flow Nozzle Assembly DG 75 ..................... 54
Oil Pressure Switch Air Pressure Switch ........................... 55
Setting Pressure Switches and Control System ................ 56
Automatic Furnace Controller LFL 1... / LGK 16... ............ 57
Flame Monitor Sensor Current Measurement ................... 58
Actuator Type ARIS, 4, 4a, 5 ............................................. 59
Solenoid Safety Valves ..................................................... 60
2/2 Way Valve Type MK 15 ............................................... 62
2/2 Way Valve Type MK 20 ............................................... 64
Pipe spring - Glycerine - Manometer
Bimetal - Pointer - Temperature controller ........................ 66
Flushing and Oil Feed Start Thermostat ATH 22 ............. 67
Gas Connection ................................................................. 68
Gas Motor Valve VK .......................................................... 69
Gas Pressure Regulator .................................................... 71
Gas Pressure Regulator .................................................... 72
Gas Filter Safety Vent Valve ............................................. 74
Diagram Pressure Loss ..................................................... 75
Discharge Speed, Gas Nozzles ........................................ 76
Preoperational Checks Functional Flow Gas Start-up ...... 78
Start-up Light Oil ............................................................... 79
Start-up Heavy Oil ............................................................. 80
Viscosity as a Function of Oil Temperature ....................... 81
Oil Start-up Burner Shutdown
Measures in Case of Trouble ............................................ 82
Exhaust Gas Test .............................................................. 83
SO2-content in Exhaust Gas
from Light Oil and Heavy Oil Combustion ......................... 84
O2, CO2, Lambda Conversion Table ................................ 85
O2, CO2, Lambda Conversion Table ................................ 86
O2, CO2, Lambda Conversion Table ................................ 87
O2, CO2, Lambda Conversion Table ................................ 88
Trouble Shooting Instructions ............................................ 89