NeuroSky Technology Overview
e last century of neuroscience research has greatly increased our knowledge about the brain and
particularly, the electrical signals emitted by neurons ring in the brain. e patterns and frequencies
of these electrical signals can be measured by placing a sensor on the scalp. e MindTools line of
headset products contain NeuroSky inkGear™ technology, which measures the analog electrical
signals, commonly referred to as brainwaves, and processes them into digital signals. e inkGear
technology then makes those measurements and signals available to games and applications. e
table below gives a general synopsis of some of the commonly-recognized frequencies that tend to be
generated by different types of activity in the brain:
Brainwave Type
Frequency range
Mental states and conditions
0.1Hz to 3Hz
Deep, dreamless sleep, non-REM sleep, unconscious
4Hz to 7Hz
Intuitive, creative, recall, fantasy, imaginary, dream
8Hz to 12Hz
Relaxed, but not drowsy, tranquil, conscious
Low Beta
12Hz to 15Hz
Formerly SMR, relaxed yet focused, integrated
Midrange Beta
16Hz to 20Hz
inking, aware of self & surroundings
High Beta
21Hz to 30Hz
Alertness, agitation
inkGear is the technology inside every NeuroSky product or partner product that enables a device
to interface with the wearers’ brainwaves. It includes the sensor that touches the forehead, the contact
and reference points located in the ear clip, and the on-board chip that processes all of the data. Both
the raw brainwaves and the eSense Meters (Attention and Meditation) are calculated on the inkGear
eSense™ is a NeuroSky's proprietary algorithm for characterizing mental states. To calculate eSense,
the NeuroSky inkGear technology ampli es the raw brainwave signal and removes the ambient
noise and muscle movement. e eSense algorithm is then applied to the remaining signal, resulting
in the interpreted eSense meter values. Please note that eSense meter values do not describe an exact
number, but instead describe ranges of activity.
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