1. It is much easier to install the twin control horns before installing the rudder. Locate the Carbon Fiber
rudder control horns, ball links, and associated bolts and nylon-insert lock nuts. Use some fine
sandpaper to roughen up the center areas of the two control horns so that the glue adheres better.
Using a sharp hobby knife cut the covering away from the slots in the rudder and trial fit the two
control horns.
2. Mix up some 30 minute epoxy and coat the inside of the slots and the center of the control horns. Hint:
a scrap piece of 1/16” ply, tooth pick, or old hobby blade can be used to coat the inside of the rudder
slots. Slide the control horns in place and make sure they are centered perfectly by using a ruler to
measure between the pivot holes and the hinge line. Wipe any excess glue off with isopropyl alcohol
and paper towels. Install the ball links, bolts and nuts into the holes to help assure alignment of both
control horns while the glue cures. Set aside until cured. NOTE: There are pictures of different planes
in this manual, however, this plane’s rudder is assembled the same way.