8. The following is a picture of properly installed tail wheel assembly.
1. The Corvus is supplied with a high quality set of pull-pull cables and ball-links. NOTE: There are
pictures of other planes in this manual, however, the Corvus is assembled the same way.
2. Install your rudder servo into the precut locations in the fuselage. You will need 3 inch arms on the
servo. Or you can mount the supplied rudder arm to your circular servo arm. If you use two rudder
servos it is best to connect them to two separate channels and mix them together in your radio. Set up
your radio accordingly and center the rudder servo. The geometry of your servo arms relative to each
other and the rudder horn is critical for proper rudder operation without binding or excess cable slack.
3. If you are using two rudder servos you will need to set up the servo coupling very accurately to assure
zero binding and drain on your batteries. Threaded couplers and ball links are provided for your use.
If you are new to multiple servos ganging and programming of servos, it is highly recommended you
seek the assistance of an experienced modeler in your area. Improper programming of servos can lead
to very high drain on your batteries and possible servo failures.
4. Locate the pull-pull cable set, threaded couplers, brass swaging tubes, and ball-links. If the cable is
one long piece, cut it into two equal length pieces. Thread one end of one cable through a brass tube
and then through one of the threaded couplers. Run the cable back through the brass tube and then
loop it back through a second time. Using a set of crimping pliers, place three crimps just tight
enough not to cut the brass tube but enough to securely hold the wire in place. Cut off the excess
cable with wire cutters. Wick thin CA into the brass tube to help hold the cable secure. Repeat for
the other cable.