Schmid & Wezel
Seite / Page
20 / 28
Stand / Version
08 / 2018
Table 1: provides an overview of our product
range for saw blades FFASU18S and fig. 6:
Table 1 EFA SK 18S
Fig. 6 Saw blades
4.3 Safety hood and depth stop
The cutting depth is set with a depth stop or
safety hood. The saws are equipped with an
adjustable depth stop (T). The stop (T) must be
adjusted for the respective application. Unfas-
ten the wing nut (F) and pivot the stop (T)
above the pivotal point (X) and tighten the wing
nut (F) (see fig. 7).
Adjustment range: 15 - 65 mm
Fig. 7 Adjustment of the depth stop
Risk of hand injuriesfrom