1. Remove the tire valve cap and mount the corresponding sensor on the
valve stem using the wrench provided.
2. The sensor is designed to be difficult to remove without using the
wrench provided.
3. Simply screw the wrench clockwise.
lfyou have trouble getting the wrench into the location, you can unscrew the two halves of the
Anti-Theft housing, keep the bottom part of the housing in place on the sensor and screw the
sensor onto the valve stem by hand. Once the sensor is in place, pull the lower part of the housing
up and screw the top half of the Anti-Theft housing onto it. The Anti-Theft housing will now spin
when turned on the sensor. The reverse can be done to remove if necessary.
2. If you do not need the Anti-Theft function, you may remove the Anti-Theft cover by just
unscrewing the two halves. Mount the inner sensor on the valve directly. If you do not use the
Anti-Theft housing, itis recommended to put a small bead of silicone around the seam where the
sensor unscrews to replace the battery. This will give extra protection against moisture entering
the battery housing in inclement weather.
Anti-Theft Sensor
Install the sensor onto tyre valve clockwise.
Use the spanner provided to screw the
hex nut to the sensor and tighten it.
Flow-Through Sensor
*Do not over tighten the sensor
cap to prevent possible damage
to the sensor.
Hex Wrench
User can inflate or deflate
your tire from the sensor valve
and without taking sensor off.
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