– Product Handbook
Eelectron Spa
Via Claudio Monteverdi 6, I-20025 Legnano (MI), Italia
Tel +39 0331.500802 - Fax +39 0331.564826
[email protected] www.eelectron.com
C.F. e P.IVA 11666760159 - Capitale sociale: 800.000,00 interamente versato
Tribunale di Milano 359157-8760-07 - CCIAA Milano 1486549
Cycle time for stepping value
0.5 seconds; 0.6 seconds; 0.8 seconds;
1.0 seconds;
seconds; 1.5 seconds; 2.0 seconds; 2.5 seconds; 3.0
seconds; 4.0 seconds; 5.0 seconds 6.0 seconds; 7.0
seconds; 10.0 seconds
This parameter determines the cycle time after which, during a long key press, an increased or reduced value is sent for
the stepping value.
Button mode A
button pair
single buttons
This parameter selects whether button pair A is assigned functions jointly or individually. Alternatively, the button pair
can be locked completely.
The following parameters are visible only if the IR channel mode is set to “Button pair.”
Swap left and right button
These parameters exchange the initialized functions of the right and left buttons.
Lock IR-buttons via comm-object
yes, if locking object = 0
yes, if locking object = 1
This parameter determines how the value of the locking object is analyzed.
8-bit value, variable
scene recall / store
This parameter sets the function for the buttons on the remote control.
Behavior on short pressing
On / Off
toggle / toggle
parameter is visible only if the parameter “Function” is set to “Dimming”.
It sets which telegram is sent via the corresponding object when the buttons are pressed.
“On” or “Off”: On pressing, an “On” or an “Off” telegram is sent.
“Toggle”: With each press, the inverse object value for the corresponding switching object is sent (toggling).
Upper limit
– 255,
Step value (increase)
– 255,
These two parameters are visible only if the parameter “Function” has been set to “8-bit value, variable”.
If the left key is given a long press, beginning with the last status value, an 8-bit value is sent cyclically on the bus,
which is increased by the step value until the threshold is reached.
If the last status value was already above the upper limit, it is not sent.
Lower limit
– 255,
Step value (decrease)
– 255,
These two parameters are visible only if the parameter “Function” has been set to “8-bit value, variable”.
If the right key is given a long press, beginning with the last status value, an 8-bit value is sent cyclically on the bus,
which is decreased by the step value until the threshold is reached.
If the last status value was already below the lower limit, it is not sent.
Scene number left button
scene 1
, scene 2, … scene 64
This parameter is visible only if the parameter “Function” has been set to “Scene recall/store”.
It sets the sent scene number when the left key is pressed. A short button press calls up the relevant scene, a long
button press saves the current scene under the corresponding number.
Scene number right button
scene 1
, scene 2,
… scene 64
This parameter is visible only if the parameter “Function” has been set to “Scene recall/store”.
It sets the sent scene number when the right key is pressed. A short button press calls up the relevant scene, a long
button press saves the current scene under the corresponding number.