Recorder’s Functional Testing
Trial Recording.
Snap the Switch (position 1) to “Record” position.
When the recorder starts recording, the LED
(position 3) flashes five times. To stop the
recording, snap the Switch (position 1) to “Stop”
position. When the recorder stops recording, the
LED (position 3) flashes once. The duration of the
last flash can be a dozen seconds depending on
the recorder’s memory size. While recording, two
series of LED flashes show the battery charge and
free memory size (see Operational Manual on the
shipped CD for more details).
To play back the recording upload the recording
onto a hard drive with the help of “Rec Manager”
program (located on the shipped CD).
Battery Charging and Replacement
The recorder starts charging automatically when
connected to USB-connector of the PC by the
shipped USB-cable. LED flashes once – the
charging starts. While charging, the recorder’s LED
is flashing gradually with a five-second interval.
After the rechargeable battery is fully charged, the
LED flashes without intervals. Switch the recorder
off the PC. After a short pause, the LED flashes