i-Symbol: die Warnhinweise und Anleitungen sind zu lesen und
zu beachten
Modell: Produktname
YYYY MM : Herstelljahr und Monat
Gewichtsangabe min kg<m< max kg (Symbol):
min = minimal zulässiges Gesamtgewicht des Nutzers 40 kg,
max= maximal zulässiges Gesamtgewicht des Nutzers 120 kg
Kennzeichnungen auf dem Karabiner
(bei Klettersteigsets mit eingenähten Karabinern)
Hersteller: EDELRID
Modell: Produktname
Produktbezeichnung: Karabiner nach EN 12275, Typ K, ggf.
auch nach EN 362
YYYY MM : Herstelljahr und Monat
Belastbarkeit des Karabiners (Minimumwerte, siehe Abb. 4)
Ggf. Herstellungsjahr mit Seriennummer
i-Symbol: die Warnhinweise und Anleitungen sind zu lesen und
zu beachten
CE XXXX: die Produktion der PSA überwachende Stelle
Bei Beanstandungen bitten wir um die Angabe der Chargen-
This product is part of personal protective equipment for pro-
tection against falls from heights and should be allocated to
one individual. This information leaflet contains important
information which must be understood and observed under
all circumstances. before the product is used. This document
must be provided to the customer by the retailer in the respec-
tive country’s language and must be kept with the equipment
while it is in use.
Mountaineering, climbing and working at heights and in depths
often harbour hidden dangers and risks caused by external
influences. Risk of accidents must never be excluded. In order
to achieve maximum safety when mountaineering, climbing
and working at heights and in depths, safe use of etquipment
is only guaranteed if it complies with industrial norms. For
more detailed and comprehensive information, please refer to
relevant special literature. The following instructions are im-
portant to ensure appropriate and correct use of the equipment.
However, they cannot replace experience, responsible behaviour
and awareness of the risks inherent in mountaineering, climbing
and working at heights and in depths and do not release the
user from any personal responsibility. Use of the equipment
is only permitted to fit and experienced individuals or under
appropriate guidance and tuition. Users must be aware that
poor physical and mental health can jeopardise safety under
normal conditions and in emergencies. Before using the equip-
ment, users must familiarise themselves with safe and effective
rescue procedures. The manufacturer cannot be held liable if
the equipment has been abused or used incorrectly. In all cases,
the users or the persons responsible bear the responsibility
and the risk.
Fig. 1:
Fasten the via ferrata set to the securing harness,
lashing it to the tie-in loop. Only tie it to a securing point ap-
proved by the harness manufacturer.
Fig. 2:
Both Karabiners must be hinged to the via ferrata
cable. When switching ropes at intermediate securing points,
one carabiner must always remain attached to the via ferrata
VIA FERRATA SET acc. to EN 958