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Analyzing Data with Reddy
Before analyzing data, if you want to include screen captures in your report, make sure that
the following option is selected in
(back stage view). If you do not, reports only include
summaries of your findings.
Figure 36 Take screen captures with defect report entry option
Find the file navigator at the bottom of the Magnifi GO window.
Tap the file that you want to open.
On the
ribbon, tap
Select Layout
, and then tap the layout that you want to use.
Figure 37 Selecting a layout
Review your data and move your cursor to an area of interest.
Resize the cursor in such a way that the flaw-like indication in the Length C-scan is
completely inside the cursor.
The width of your cursor should be equal to the defect’s measured length plus 15 mm
(0.59 in).
To enter the detected defect as an entry in your report, select the adequate indication
code, and then tap it in an impedance plane (1). The entry will be grayed to show that it
has been taken into account in the summary report.