Versatrax 300™
Document: UMBH008532.docm
Revision: A07
Created by: KJB
Date: 26 Sep 2019
Source Location: C:\ePDM\ISLEng\products\bh-vt300series4-trackchassis\manuals\UMBH008532.docm
Page 59 of 67
rax 30
0 User Ma
For IB
2. Picture is very dark or very bright.
Check the light levels of both the camera and main lights.
Check camera exposure settings. See settings in the advanced camera control window.
3. Intermittent picture.
Check and replace the video cables.
Check the monitor is working properly.
Check that the camera is fully plugged in.
Check for intermittent breaks in the camera harness cable.
Check the tether connectors at both controller and vehicle.
Check for tether or slip ring damage by testing tether continuity.
4. Picture is blurry or has poor color.
This may be a dirty camera view port.
Try manually focusing the camera.
5. No Rear Video
Verify the video connection from the interface box to the computer.
Check that the camera is fully plugged in.
Check that the rear camera whip is plugged into the correct socket on the telemetry can.
Vehicle Problems
Vehicle won’t steer or vehicle runs backward.
Tracks set to the wrong positions.
Track reverse setting incorrect in control software.
Node ID conflict between one or more devices on the vehicle.
2. Tracks will not run.
Check the current meters.
If current is at 100% and the vehicle doesn’t move, then the tracks may be stalled. They
could be wedged on an object or jammed with sand. Try reversing the tracks to clear any
debris. If a jam will not clear you will have to recover the vehicle by pulling it out with the
If no current is registered, then power or communication is not getting to the tracks.
Check all the cable connections.
Try power cycling the system.
Try changing tracks.
Note that changing tracks may require reprogramming their node ID’s.
Inspect the vehicle wiring for damage.
Check all the system connectors.
Check that the tracks are all assigned their own unique Node ID positions.
Listen for the track motors. If the motors run but the track doesn’t turn suspect a broken pin in
the drive train. Refer to the assembly diagram in the Minitrac™ manual.
Main lights don’t function even when set to maximum.
Check all the cable connections.
Inspect for blown LEDs.