Acclarix LX4 Diagnostic Ultrasound System User Manual Features
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6.2 Name and Function of Each Part of the Transducer
Figure 6-1 shows an example of a transducer.
Figure 6-1 Typical transducer
Transducer head
Converts electrical signals to sound waves, and then converts received echoes
back to electrical signals. The tip of the transducer is the acoustic lens.
Transducer cable
Transmits electrical signals between the transducer head and the transducer
Connects the transducer to the ultrasound imaging system.
6.3 Transducer Cleaning and Disinfecting
Transducers should be cleaned and/or disinfected as necessary or between use with a
recommended cleanser or disinfectant. Disconnect the transducer from the system prior to
cleaning and disinfecting.
6.3.1. Cleaning
The validated cleaning agents for cleaning the transducers are:
Ethanol (75%)
Isopropanol (70%)
Cleaning agents should be applied and removed using a clean, soft, sterile, non-abrasive cloth or
paper towel.
Transducer head
Transducer connector
Transducer cable