4.5 Supply and Return Requirements
Boiler used in connection with refrigeration system,
install so chilled medium is piped in parallel with boiler
with appropriate valves to prevent chilled medium from
entering boiler. See Figure 4-2.
Boiler piping system of hot water boiler connected to
heating coils located in air handling units where they
may be exposed to refrigerated air circulation must be
equipped with flow control valves or other automatic
means to prevent gravity circulation of boiler water
during cooling cycle.
Hot water boilers installed above radiation level or
as required by authority having jurisdiction must
be provided with low water cut-off device (factory
4.6 Special Conditions
• System piping exposed to freezing conditions: Use
inhibited propylene glycol solutions certified by fluid
manufacturer for use with closed water heating
system. Do not use automotive or ethylene glycol.
• Boiler installed above radiation level or as required by
authority having jurisdiction. Integral low water cutoff
is provided in boiler.
• Boiler used in connection with refrigeration system.
Install piping in parallel with boiler, with appropriate
valves to prevent chilled medium from entering boiler.
• System piping connected to heating coils located in air
handling unit exposed to refrigerated air circulation.
Install flow control valves or other automatic means
to prevent gravity circulation of boiler water during
cooling cycle.
Do not expose boiler and piping to freezing
Asphyxiation hazard! Gradual flueway blocking
resulting from condensate induced corrosion may
block boiler passages, resulting in carbon monoxide
and or flame rollout. Install bypass piping if return
temperature is under 130°F. Failure to follow these
instructions could result in death or serious injury.
Boiler connected to heating system utilizing multiple
zoned circulators, each circulator must be supplied with
flow control valve to prevent gravity circulation.
Bypass piping gives ability to adjust supply boiler water
temperature to fit system or condition of installation.
This method of piping, however, is not typically
required for baseboard heating systems. Typical
installations where bypass piping is required are as
A. This method is used to protect boilers from
condensation forming due to low temperature return
water ( Below 130° F). Generally noticed in large
converted gravity systems or other large water
volume systems. Figures 4-3 and 4-4 page 13
B. These methods are used to protect systems using
radiant panels and material they are encased in
from high temperature supply water from boiler and
protect boiler from condensation.
When using bypass piping, adjust
valves V1 & V2 until desired system temperature
is obtained.
Bypass loop must be same size piping
as supply and return piping.
Installation using circulators and zone valves are
shown in
Figures 4-2 through 4-7.
For further piping
information refer to AHRI Installation and Piping
Install discharge piping from safety relief valve. See
Warning, Page 9 and Figure 4-1.
PN 240012809, Rev. C [11/15/2020]