INMANUUIN185 Rev.2019.04.01 / ENG
Provide detailed information on the problem.
If the problem can’t be solved through troubleshooting, it must be sent for repair.
The following information should be sent with the product:
Owners name.
Owners address.
Person to contact and a telephone number.
Product serial number.
Problem description.
The shipment should be done in the original packaging to avoid damage to the equipment during
the transportation. ECLERIS will not be responsible for damage or defects caused during the
transportation due to improper packaging.
ECLERIS declares that the
has passed our Quality Control and no defects have been
found in its manufacture, therefore guarantees proper working order under adequate conditions
that are indicated in this manual. The guarantee is for the term of one (1) year starting on the
purchase date.
ECLERIS shall not be responsible for damage caused by/to the
for inadequate use,
neglect, incorrect cleaning or storage. Any repairs carried out by anyone other than ECLERIS
authorized personal will annul this warranty. This warranty is only valid for the original buyer.
The warranty does not cover the following:
Third party parts and components.
Cables and plugs.
Damage caused by connections to incorrect power sources.
Without regarding the warranty, all shipping cost to and from ECLERIS authorized installations
are exclusive responsibility of the client.