Cablite® VR LED Lighting System Installation Manual Rev 2.1
Electronic Controls, Inc.
7073 North Atlantic Ave. Cape Canaveral, FL 32920
P a g e
CabLite® VR w/o Dimming Wiring Diagram
Figure 7 - CabLite VR without Dimming Wiring Diagram
Wire power supply as shown in Figure 7 - CabLite VR without Dimming Wiring Diagram.
AC IN line – Brown wire on power supply
AC IN neutral – Blue wire on power supply
DC OUT + is RED wire of 8’ cable
DC OUT – is BLACK wire of 8’ cable
Route the 8’ cable to the first downlight and connect remaining downlights with 4’ cables. The two
connectors on the downlights are interchangeable so cable connection does not matter.
Once wiring is complete and cover is on power supply box, apply power to lighting system. Check that
all downlights are lit.
CabLite® VR w/ Dimming Wiring Diagram
Figure 8 - CabLite VR with Dimming Wiring