Chengdu Ebyte Electronic Technology Co.,Ltd.
E180-Z8910SP User Manual
Copyright ©2012–2021
Chengdu Ebyte Electronic Technology Co.,Ltd.
access/control module
ADC value
Read the ADC value of the device, among which
channel 0 can read the device power supply voltage
6.4 HEX instruction set
6.4.1 Instruction Rules
Local serial port reading format:
Network parameter reading FE LEN CMD FF
Peripheral parameter reading FE LEN CMD CHANNEL FF
FE: fixed head
LEN: Actual length of DATA
CMD: Actual named ID
CHANNEL: Channel selection when reading PWM, ADC, GPIO
FF: end of command
Reading return format: FB CMD DATA
FB: fixed head
CMD: Command ID
DATA: parameter
Local serial port configuration format: FD LEN CMD DATA FF
FD: fixed head
LEN: the actual length of DATA
CMD: Actual named ID
DATA: actual parameters
FF: end of command
Configuration Return:
FA: fixed head
CMD: Command ID
Return when reading/configuration access: F7 FF does not exist the information/reading/configuration/format failed
Wireless remote reading/configuration format: add wireless configuration ID before the command format of the local
serial port
The default is A8 8A (its value can be modified), for example:
The configuration format is A8 8A FD LEN CMD DATA FF
Parameter reading format A8 8A FE LEN CMD (CHANNEL) FF
Network operation format: F5 LEN CMD DATA FF
F5: fixed head
LEN: the actual length of DATA
CMD: Actual named ID