Section (4) Optional Accessories of your new machine
Place the drill bit holder on the machine and unpack the drill bits and place in the holder
Place the Ball holder accessory arm on the left hand side of the machine and the tool
holder on the right hand side. These do have adjusting knobs so you can adjust to the
position that fits your work the best.
Section 5) Electrical set up of your new machine.
Plug the power cord from the control box into your wall out let. ( NOTE this should be
on 20 amp breaker) Next plug the cord from the motor into the back of the control box
in the outlet marked motor.
Unpack the light and place it on the left hand side of the machine and plug into the
proper outlet on the back of the control box
Plug your vacuum into the proper outlet
Plug your high speed sander in to the proper outlet
Section (6) Final Calibration of digital readers
Zero the table to the measurement marks forward and back as well as right and left.
Place a new ball in the jig and lightly tighten the safety plate onto the ball
Place the 3” plug trimming blade in to the chuck of the machine.
Turn the digital scales on and make sure that they are in decimal inches.
Pull the handle down to bring the blade close to the ball, turn the trimming blade with
your hand until it is straight front to back. While bringing the blade closer to the ball
REV A 12-2-05 7