Instruction Booklet
IB 70-8698
Instruction Manual for the Eaton RTC-100
Automatic Transfer Switch Controller
eaton Corporation
Effective December 2009
Table 2 is a summary of the Fixed and Jumper-selectable settings
that are available in the RTC-100
Table 2. Fixed and Jumper-Selectable Settings
factory default
Time Delay Normal to Emergency
20 or 50 seconds
20 Seconds
Time Delay Emergency to Normal
10 seconds
10 Seconds
Fixed Setting
Time Delay Emergency Fail Timer
6 seconds
6 Seconds
Fixed Setting
Nominal Frequency
50 or 60 Hz
60 Hz
Nominal Voltage
240 Vac
240 Vac
Fixed Setting
Utility Undervoltage Dropout
70% of 240 Vac Nominal Voltage
70% of 240 Vac Nominal Voltage
Fixed Setting
Generator Undervoltage Dropout
70% of 240 Vac Nominal Voltage
70% of 240 Vac Nominal Voltage
Fixed Setting
Utility Undervoltage Pickup
80% of 240 Vac Nominal Voltage
80% of 240 Vac Nominal Voltage
Fixed Setting
Generator Undervoltage Pickup
80% of 240 Vac Nominal Voltage
80% of 240 Vac Nominal Voltage
Fixed Setting
Time Delay Engine Start
6 Seconds
6 Seconds
Fixed Setting
Time Delay Engine Cool Down
5 Minutes
5 Minutes
Load Control
Jumper Selectable
Gen Test
Off/No Lead/Load
No Load
Jumper Selectable
Gen Test
7 Day / 14 Day / 28 Day
7 Day
Jumper Selectable
Running kw
0 -99 kw
0 kw
Starting kw
0 -99 kw
0 kw
4.1.2 Generator test (Plant Exercise) Jumpers
The RTC-100 has the ability to perform a variety of generator tests.
These tests can be completed both Automatically and/or manually.
The jumpers allow the end user to select the Gen Test (see
Figure 3) to the “OFF”, “NO LOAD”, or “LOAD” positions. This jump-
er is utilized when the test occurs manually or automatically.
“OFF” - No test can be performed
“NO LOAD” – An engine run ONLY test is performed. No load is
transferred to the generator
“LOAD” – A fully loaded generator test is completed. The ATS load
is transferred to the generator.
To perform a manual test the “GEN TEST” push button (See
Figure 3) needs to be momentarily (NO LONGER THAN 2
SECONDS) pressed and released. The TDES (Time Delay Engine
Start) timer will start before the generator is signaled to start. Once
the generator has started and is producing rated voltage and fre-
quency, the ATS will 1) If the jumper is set to “NO LOAD” the gen-
erator will run unloaded for 15 minutes or 2) if the jumper is set to
the “LOAD” position the ATS will transfer the load to the generator
and it will run loaded for 15 minutes before transferring the load back
to the primary source and cooling down the generator. If at anytime
during the test the “GEN TEST” button is pressed momentarily, the
test will be aborted and the load will be transferred to the utility, if
applicable, and the generator will be cooled and shut down.
To perform an automatic test or Plant Exercise, the end user must
determine which cycle (number of days) they would like the test
to be run. The RTC-100 can run the exercise test every 7 calendar
days, every 14 calendar days, or every 28 calendar days. Once this
is chosen, the end user must perform a manual test on the time and
day that they would like the test to occur. The “GEN TEST” switch
must be depressed and held at least 5 seconds to program the time
and day. Once the program is accepted, the “AVAILABLE” (RED and
GREEN) LEDS on the board will flash 2 times to acknowledge the
programming. The test will occur at that time and every subsequent
period of time as programmed via the jumper. The test will be either
a “LOAD” or “NO LOAD” test as set on by the jumper. If the LOAD
jumper is set to “OFF”, no test can be performed.
If the programmed test is to be cleared, the “GEN TEST”
pushbutton can be depressed, again, for 5 seconds. The
“AVAILABLE” (RED and GREEN) LEDs will flash FOUR times to
acknowledge and clear the scheduled test.
Some generators have built in testing and this function of the ATS
may not be needed for those generators. Refer to the generator
manufacturers instructions to see if the generator that you have has
a built in test. If that is the case, the ATS testing may still be utilized
but may not be necessary.