Instruction leaflet
Effective October 2010
E5-648-C446x electronic preset
counter with four presets (relays)
LCD negative, red-green backlighting
eaton corporation
7.8.3 Setting the basic function
Basic function menu
Programming menu
Pulse counter (7.8.4)
Programming menu
Timer/Hour meter (7.8.6)
Programming menu
Tacho/Frequency meter (7.8.5)
7.8.4 Pulse counter Main menu for Signal and Control inputs
Main menu for programming the
signal and control inputs
Input polarity
PNP: switching to Plus
for all inputs in common
NPN: switching to 0V
for all inputs in common
Filter for signal inputs InpA and InpB
Maximum count frequency
Damped to approx. 30 Hz
(for control with mechanical contacts)
Count Input mode
INP A: count input
INP B: count direction input
Differential counting [A – B]
INP A: count input add
INP B: count input sub
Totalizing [A + B]
INP A: count input add
INP B: count input add
Quadrature input
INP A: count input 0°
INP B: count input 90°
Quadrature with pulse doubling
INP A: count input 0°
INP B: count input 90°
Each pulse edge of INP A will be counted
Quadrature x4
INP A: count input 0°
INP B: count input 90°
Each pulse edge of INP A
and INP B will be counted.
Ratio measurement [A/B]
Inp A: count input A
Inp B: count input B
Percentage differential counting
[(A – B)/A in %]
Inp A: count input A
Inp B: count input B
User input
When the MPI input is activated, the display
is “frozen” and remains “frozen” until the
MPI input is deactivated. Internally the
preset counter continues counting
When the MPI input is activated, the
current count value for the preset that
has just been selected will be adopted
as the new preset value. See also 7.9
When the MPI input is activated, the
preset counter will be set to the value
specified in the parameter SEtPt.
See also 7.10