WIRING cont.
Programming Considerations for Control Inputs
All models of the Eclipse have three control inputs. The installer is advised to use
one of them as a lock input. When activated by a jumper, the lock input will prevent
the operator from making unauthorized changes to the program. Programming an
Eclipse to exactly perform a certain function can be compared to creating a beautiful,
horse-drawn carriage. Dont let the third shift operator change it back into a pumpkin
by ignoring the lock input feature.
A control input may be used to reset one or more counters in the Eclipse. This
means that an external pushbutton can be used instead of, or along with, the front
panel reset. For instance, the user may want the operator to reset the batch count
with the front panel reset and allow a supervisor to reset the totalizer with a key lock
reset switch.
If the unit has an output programmed to latch at one of four setpoints; namely total-
izer, cycle, rate high, or rate low, a control input may unlatch the output. There may be
occasions where two outputs are latched. A control input may be programmed to
unlatch either, or both of the outputs.
The front panel start and stop key functions of the batcher may be duplicated by
control inputs. However, remember that if the batch is manually stopped before the
batch is complete, the start input always resumes the batch unless the batch counter
is reset. In order to remotely start, stop, and terminate the batch, three inputs must
be used. This does not allow for an input to be used for the lock function; sooner or
later the Eclipse may become a pumpkin. In most applications, the front panel start
and stop keys will be used, but it may be handy for an operator to be able to stop
delivery from a remote location by using a control input.
Control inputs may be programmed to perform multiple functions as long as the
functions are not mutually exclusive, such as start and unlatch output 1. An input
could be programmed to do up to three functions, such as start, reset the batch
counter, and unlatch a rate alarm output. If an input is programmed to a lock function,
then it cannot be programmed to also perform a start, stop, unlatch, or reset func-
The lock function is considered a maintained signal, meaning that the lock is active
as long as the lock input is connected to ground. Normally this is done with a jumper
wire, but occasionally the installer will employ an NC keylock switch. All other control
input functions, as well as the front panel key functions are momentary signals. This
means that the start, unlatch, reset, etc. function occurs immediately upon switch
closure, and then the Eclipse ignores the input until the switch opens, and then
closes again. Therefore, momentary pushbuttons are appropriate for control inputs
programmed for any function except lock.
Programming column L contains three blocks for the control inputs, one for each.
Column L also contains a block for the reset key function(s), and for the batcher, a
block each for the start and stop key function(s). Taking into account the type of unit