Instruction manual CCS 5, 15/ 10/ 2021
7.2. Hydraulic plan
7.3. Measurement principle
Laser sensor
– Particle Counter for CCS 5
The laser sensor operates based on the light-blockade principle and generates an output
signal depending on the particles’ sizes. This is received, processes and classified by
corresponding electronics.
The monochromatic light emitted by the laser diode is being received by a photo diode and
then converted into an electric voltage. If a particle blocks this
“light-blockade”, the
photodiode will detect a decrease in received light depending on the particle
‘s size and the
electric voltage of the photodiode will decrease as well.
Troubles or faulty measurements by:
Dark fluids
The laser light cannot permeate the fluid column of the section measurements.
no decrease of the light
it is not possible to detect the particles.
Contamination too high
Numbers of particles > 24000 P/ ml.
High chance of measuring from multiple less particles as one great particle.
Conglomeration of fewer particles to one great particle through static electrical attractive
forces or additives
faulty measurement and the sensor is blocked!