Route the power supply cord from lower right side of unit
to a grounded three prong 120VAC receptacle. Care should
be taken to m ake sure the fireplace and hearth does not
pinch or otherwise dam age the cord.
The EASYFIRE 12V back up can be purchased as an
option and includes the following com ponents:
Deep cycle sealed 12V battery.
Battery connector cables for hook-up to the heater.
In order to hook-up the battery and engage the 12V
backup system sim ply connect red cable to red term inal
on the heater
(see Figure 6)
and to positive connector on
battery [the term inal m arked (+)] and connect the black
cable to the black term inal on the heater and to the
negative connector on the battery (the term inal m arked
(-). If you hook up the cables backwards the red LED
light above the term inal receptacles will com e on. If
hooked up properly this LED will glow green.
If you decide to purchase your own 12V back up system
we recom m end a sealed gel cell battery. Failure to install
the proper battery could cause physical harm to you and
your property and will also void the heater warranty.
W hen the battery is properly connected and the heater
plugged in, the following will happen autom atically:
The heater will autom atically switch to 12V power if
there is a power failure, and switch back when power
is restored.
The battery will be trickle charged as long as the
heater is plugged into 110 AC wall outlet. Do not use
extension cords. The trickle charge will not recharge
a low or dead battery but it will keep a charged
battery at m axim um perform ance.
If you choose to separate the battery from the heater by
lengthening the cables you m ust m ake sure that the
cable wire used will carry the current to the heater. For
exam ple, if the distance is 10 to 20 feet then 12 gauge
wire m ust be used. Check with your local electrical
professional to m ake sure you have used the proper
gauge wire/cable.
Unplug heater from wall outlet and 12VDC power!
Mount m illivolt style rem ote receiver box to rear of
stove using double-sided tape.
Rem ove factory jum p wire and hook up therm ostat
wires to term inals (
Figure 7
Reconnect AC power and follow instructions with
rem ote therm ostat regarding set up.
If this unit is being installed in Canada, the following
additional requirem ents m ust be m eant:
1. A chim ney connector shall no pass through and attic or
roof space, closet or sim ilar concealed space, or a floor,
or ceiling.
2. W here a chim ney passage through a wall, or partition of
com bustible construction is desired, the installation shall
conform the CAN/CSA-B365.
3. Maintain an effective vapour barrier at the location where
the chim ney or other com ponent penetrates to the
exterior of the structure by sealing with high tem perature
4. Clearance to com bustibles m ay only be reduced by
m eans approved by the regulatory authority.
5. Store pellet fuels in a dry area away from unit. Do not
store fuels within the space heater installation clearances
or within the space required for charging and ash
rem oval.
6. Adequate ventilation air is required to operate this heater.
During operation the heater draws air for com bustion
which can be assisted by the installation of outside
com bustion air inlets. However, certain weather
conditions such as icing or use of kitchen exhaust fans
m ay im pact and reduce the effectiveness of vents. It is
im portant to note that room air starvation well negatively
im pact the operation of the heater.
7. If power outages with battery backup or room air
starvation occurs during operation of heater, sm oke in
the house m ay result. This m ay trigger sm oke detectors
if they are installed.
Your EASYFIRE Pellet Stove is equipped with the Autolite
Autom atic ignition and operating system .
The AutoLite system is integrated into the stove to allow for
autom atic start up using a heating elem ent located in the
burn pot. This elem ent starts the initial fire required to burn
the wood pellets. The system operates on 120VAC power
supplied through a separate fuse and runs for five m inutes
during the initial stove start up. After the five m inute period
the AutoLite system is deactivated and the stove operates
based on the EasyFire digital control system requirem ents.
If the house AC power should quit, the AutoLite system will
not be available however, with the optional battery attached
the stove can be m anually lit and operate on battery power
for several days (depending on battery size, refer to the
EasyFire installation m anual).
The m ost effective installation of the EasyFire AutoLite
Stove is to connect the unit to a therm ostat. This can be
accom plished using a standard wall therm ostat or a rem ote
control therm ostat. A rem ote control therm ostat can be
purchased from your local dealer and installed in a few
m inutes. This will allow the stove to start and shut down
when there is a call for heat.
If your house power is out the AutoLite system will not be
able to start the stove when the therm ostat calls for heat.
However if the stove is operating when the power goes out
the stove will not shut down operating on the backup
battery. Your EasyFire will turn down to low when the
therm ostat calls for shut down and then turn up to the
setting on the control panel when the therm ostat calls for
heat. A true back up heat source!