Eagle Eye Power Solutions, LLC | 877-805-3377 | www.eepowersolutions.com
Section 3. Installation & Cabling
Battery String Symmetry (BATT CELL cable)
The NESPACE-KA Control Module monitors and reports battery string voltages for 1 or 2 external
Battery Strings. Each Battery String consists of (4) series-connected 12V batteries and a typical
float-charged VRLA string will measure -54.0Vdc. Monitoring for Battery Symmetry is achieved by
connecting the Batt Cell cable to the 2-pin CELL connector on the Shelf rear. The other cable end
has 2 ring terminals (CELL 1 and CELL 2) that have heat-shrink tubing over each ring terminal.
Remove the heat-shrink to expose the ring terminals, as needed, to connect to the middle busbar
on each Battery String. This battery string midpoint connection essentially allows monitoring of a
“Left 2
string” (
27V) and a “Right 2
String” that can be used for Equalization and determi
battery health/status.
If only one Battery String is used, remove
the heat-shrink only from the CELL 1 ring
terminal; the CELL 2 ring terminal should
remain insulated with heat-shrink tubing,
cable-tied to prevent interference issues.
If no external Battery Strings are used, do
not connect the BATT CELL ring terminals,
but bundle and tie them together to allow
a possible later re-configuration that may
require Battery Strings.
Figure 8. BATT CELL 2-pin connector