Optional Accessories
Power Meter
Float Set, 25-Size
An RC aircraft is not a toy! If misused, it can cause
serious bodily harm and damage to property. Fly
only in open areas, preferably at AMA (Academy of
Model Aeronautics) approved flying sites, following
all instructions included with your radio.
Keep loose items that can get entangled in the propeller
away from the prop, including loose clothing, or other
objects such as pencils and screwdrivers. Especially
keep your hands away from the propeller.
Before Starting Assembly
Before beginning the assembly of your J-3 Cub,
remove each part from its bag for inspection. Closely
inspect the fuselage, wing panels, rudder and
stabilizer for damage. If you find any damaged or
missing parts, contact the place of purchase.
Note on Lithium Polymer Batteries
Lithium Polymer batteries are significantly
more volatile than alkaline or Ni-Cd/
Ni-MH batteries used in RC applications.
All manufacturer’s instructions and warnings
must be followed closely. Mishandling of
Li-Po batteries can result in fire. Always follow
the manufacturer’s instructions when disposing
of Lithium Polymer batteries.
Using the Manual
This manual is divided into sections to help make
assembly easier to understand, and to provide
breaks between each major section.
Remember to take your time and follow the directions.
Limited Warranty Period
Horizon Hobby, Inc. guarantees this product to be free
from defects in both material and workmanship at the
date of purchase.