tree-layer switch connection topology. The supervisor may grant rights to other managing users to control
predefined switch system; these managing users help the supervisor to manage some switches with limited
access rights. See the following example for more details.
Create Domain
Execute the configuration utility will require you to login to a domain first. You need to create a new domain when
you execute the utility program at the first time. For example, start the utility then click the ‘
’ button to create
the domain ‘
’ with supervisor username ‘
’ and password ‘
’ as in the following figures.
Click button ‘
’ in the above figure will store the domain ‘
’ configuration on your PC, then type in
username ‘
’ and password ‘
’ to login the domain as supervisor. The following figure shows the main
menu after you login the domain.
Add Switch as Domain Member
You need to assign the switch (one switch or cascaded system) as a domain member before you can really
connect and manage the switch within the domain. The utility will try to access and login the switch when it is
being assigned to the domain at the first time. There are two ways to connect and access the switch system,
local configuration
remote configuration
. The remote configuration is only applied to the switch system
with DYNAMIX DH - 114 M as the ‘
’ switch. (See Figure 2 and Figure 3 in Chapter 2).