Please Observe the Following Safety Guidelines:
Allow Installation and Service by Qualified Personnel Only
Electrical rotating equipment and associated controls can be
dangerous. Therefore, it is essential that only trained personnel
be allowed to work with this equipment, under competent
supervision. The danger is increased when the equipment is not
handled, installed, maintained or used properly. This equipment
must be installed, adjusted and serviced only by qualified
personnel familiar with the construction and operation of the
equipment and the hazards involved. Failure to observe this
precaution could result in equipment damage, personal injury
and/or death.
Read Instructions and Warnings:
These instructions should be read and clearly understood before
working on the equipment. Become especially familiar with all
safety instructions and procedures. Read and heed all danger,
warning and caution notices contained in this manual and
attached to the equipment and be sure to instruct others in their
meaning and importance.
Danger, High Voltage
Disconnect Power before Servicing Equipment
Various component parts and terminals of the drive equipment
are at or above line voltage when AC power is connected to the
input terminals. All ungrounded conductors of the AC power line
must be disconnected before it is safe to touch any internal parts
of this equipment. Some control equipment may contain
capacitors that retain a hazardous electrical charge for a period
after power is removed. After power is removed, wait at least two
minutes to allow capacitors to discharge before touching any
internal parts of the equipment. Failure to observe these
precautions could result in fatal injury.
Precautions When Working on Live Circuits:
Stand on an insulating mat. Make a habit of using only one hand.
Make sure that there is another person nearby in case
emergency assistance is required.
Application of Equipment and Safety Devices:
The adjustable speed drive and all components of the drive
system, such as operator control devices, electrical power
distribution equipment, the motor and mechanical power
transmission equipment, must be properly selected and applied
to assure a safe and reliable installation. Each individual
installation has unique requirements for safety equipment such
as emergency stop pushbuttons, pre-start alarms, motor and
power disconnect devices and guards on mechanical power
transmission apparatus. The party responsible for the overall
design and operation of the facility must make sure that qualified
personnel are employed to select and apply all components of
the drive system including appropriate safety devices.
Hazard of personal injury/death or equipment damage exists if
the drive and/or the driven machine are operated above their
rated speed due to maladjustment or electronic failure. Be sure
to consider this factor in selecting gear ratios and safety devices.
Always Wear Safety Glasses:
Safety glasses should be worn by all personnel involved in
installing or maintaining the equipment. This applies equally to
all electrical and mechanical workers. Other safety clothing
should be selected as appropriate to the task and work
© Copyright Drive Source International, Inc., 2002
Handle with Care
Handle the equipment carefully to avoid personal injury or
damage to the unit.
Provide Appropriate Guards Around Moving Parts:
Before operating the equipment, make sure that appropriate
guards and other safety devices are in place. Refer to OSHA
rules and regulations, paragraph 1910.219 for guards on
mechanical power transmission apparatus.
Observe Requirements of the National Electric Code
All wiring must be in accordance with the National Electrical
Code (NEC) and/or other codes as required by the authority
having jurisdiction. The electrical connections completed by the
installer must conform to the instructions and diagrams supplied.
National Electric Code Article 430-102 requires a disconnecting
means for each motor and controller located in sight from the
motor, controller and driven machinery locations or capable of
being locked in the open position if not located in sight. This
disconnecting means is not included with the drive equipment
unless specifically ordered.
Not for Use in Hazardous Locations:
Unless specifically labeled as approved for such use, this
equipment is not suitable for use in an explosive atmosphere or
in a “Hazardous (Classified) Location” as defined in article 500
of the National Electrical Code.
Provide Adequate Ground Connections:
For personnel safety and reliable equipment operation, firmly
earth ground each piece of equipment as directed in this manual
and shown on the connection diagrams provided. The ground
conductor should be the same size as the incoming power wires
or sized according to NEC table 250-95. A copper or aluminum
conductor must be used. Grounded conduit connections are not
adequate for use as equipment ground connections.
Instruction Material and Drawings:
In addition to this manual, data sheets, drawings, supplementary
instruction sheets and errata sheets may be included in the
package of instruction material that is furnished for each drive.
Be sure to save each of these items for future reference. The
drawings and data included in this manual are generally
representative of the product line, but do not accurately include
every detail pertaining to specific equipment provided for an
individual customer order. Drawings and data sheets that are
identified by PRO/Serial number as pertaining to a specific piece
of equipment take precedence over this manual.
information furnished may not cover changes made to the
equipment after shipment.
All data is subject to change
without notice.
Technical Assistance:
It is best to request assistance through DSI/Dynamatic® Service
Repair Department, 1-800/548-2169.