Dymax BlueWave® LED Flood System User Guide
If you enter intensity that is too low for the LED Flood Array attached the unit, the unit will beep for 5
seconds, and the intensity will not change.
If you are operating in PLC mode, a PLC input signal allows intensity to be selected from this menu or allows
intensity to be controlled directly by the PLC.
Figure 7. Options Menu
Figure 8. Adjust Intensity Menu
Operating Modes
There are three basic operating modes: Manual Mode, Timer Mode,
and PLC Mode.
Manual Mode:
The LED activates whenever the foot switch or the run button on the front panel is pressed.
The LED remains active only as long as the foot switch or run button is pressed. When the foot switch and run
button are released, the LED shuts off.
PLC outputs are always active in manual and timer mode.
Timer Mode:
The LED is active for a specific time period each time the foot switch or run button is pressed.
You must set the specific time by adjusting the timer’s value on the screen. M
omentarily pressing the foot
switch or run button starts the timer and activates the LED. Once the timer counts down to zero, the shutter
closes, and the timer resets to the value that you set and is ready for another exposure cycle. The activation
can be cancelled at any time during the exposure cycle by pressing the foot switch or run button.
PLC outputs are always active in timer and manual mode.
PLC Mode:
An external PLC (Programmable Logic Controller) controls the unit. The PLC provides input signals
to the
BlueWave LED Flood
to control the LED. The PLC monitors the status of the unit by reading output
signals provided by the
BlueWave LED Flood
. The PLC is typically programmed to start other machinery when
the unit becomes ready, or perhaps start the unit when other machinery is ready. The input signals and
output signals are present through the 25-pin connector on the power supply
’s back panel
marked PLC.
The run button can be used to activate the LED light without PLC commands to assist fixture