All specifications and information are subject to changes without further notices
Display settings tab.
Repeat playback
: It will play the file endlessly if checked.
Show as hh:mm:ss
: Shows time from 00:00:00.
CUT mode file playback :
when you move to the position with scroll bar on the controller of the
FusionHDTV, it automatically pause when this option turned on.
FullScreen Refresh :
it automatically sets the refresh rate of Screen to 60Hz to optimum display.
Use VMR Renderer
: You can play the WinDVD or other MPEG2 player while FusionHDTV runs.
Aspect Ratio :
: Select BOB or WEAVE in DxVA video decoder.
Weave :
Best for less moving picture
Best for moving picture
Video Decoder
: Is used to select video decoder.
< Zulu HDTV Video Decoder >