A: shoulder muscles
G: Muscles of leg
B: Pectoral muscles
H: Cowl-muscles
C: Biceps brachii
I: Triceps
D: Abdominal muscles
J: Dorsal muscles
E: Forearm muscles
K: Hip muscles
F: Quadriceps
L: Thighs muscles
15、Stretching exercise
Warm up & Relieve Exercise:
A good exercise plan includes Warm up exercises, Aerobics and Relieve Exercises. Exercise should be performed
twice or three times one week (exercise every other day),and it should be raised to four times or five times one
week several months later.
Warm up exercise is one of the most important parts in exercise plan which should be done before every time
exercise. Right warm up exercise makes your body into good situation for following intense exercise because it
helps muscle becomes warmer, and promotes blood circulation which supplies more oxygen into muscle. After
aerobics, warm up exercise can ease muscular soreness. Here are some warm up exercise & relieve exercise for
your reference: