Smart Pressure Transmitter
Operation Manual M3200-E01G
Duon System Co.,Ltd.
[ Graph of Damping Second ]
5.7 Configuration of Information Variable
5.7.1 Set Tag
Tag variable is better easy method to classify to transmitter in multi transmitter install
environment. Tag Character can be used to 8 word of English/number.
5.7.2 Set Messages
When use several transmitter, user can define for classification each transmitter and use 32 words
of English/number. This message is saved in EEPROM of transmitter.
5.8 Diagnostics and Services
5.8.1 Loop Test
The Loop Test verifies the output of the transmitter, the integrity of the loop, and the operations
of any recorders or similar devices installed loop. Perform the following procedure for a loop test.
Connect a reference meter to the transmitter.
Select the Loop Test of HHT and operate the Loop Test.
Select output current ( 4mA/20mA/etc )
If the readings match, then the transmitter and the loop are configured and functioning
properly. If the readings do not match, then you may have the current meter attached to the
wrong loop, there maybe a fault in the wiring, the transmitter may require an output trim, or the
electrical current meter may be malfunctioning.