UEFI Firmware
MEN Menu
menu has been adapted in order to simplify access to important functions. You
can find information regarding board name, board revision and serial number as well as
several sub-menus.
Aptio Setup Utility - Copyright (C) 2017 American Megatrends, Inc.
Main Advanced Chipset Security Boot Save & Exit MEN
| MEN Mikro Elektronik Board Information |SATA Settings Help |
| | |
| Board Name <product model> | |
| Board Revision 00.00.00 | |
| Board Serial Number 000006 | |
| | |
| Setup Mode [Standard] | |
| | |
|> SATA Settings
|> USB Settings
|> MEN BMC Settings | |
|> Network Settings |-------------------------|
|> Memory Settings |><: Select Screen |
|^v: Select Item |
| |Enter: Select |
| |+/-: Change Opt. |
| |F1: General Help |
| |F2: Previous Values |
| |F3: Optimized Defaults |
| |F4: Save & Exit |
| |ESC: Exit |
Version 2.18.1263. Copyright (C) 2017 American Megatrends, Inc.