Functional Description
Real-Time Clock (RTC)
The MC50M includes a real-time clock connected to the processor as the system RTC
(ERTC) RX-8571LC. The RTC has an accuracy of approximately 1.7 seconds/day (11
minutes/year) at 25°C. The real-time clock device is connected to the CPU via SMBus.
For data retention during power off the RTC is backed up by a supercapacitor. The
supercapacitor gives an autonomy of up to 120 hours when fully charged.
Software Support
You can set the system date and time through the UEFI firmware.
If you use an duagon board support package supporting the system RTC, you can use
the functions provided there to set the system RTC also via software.
If you use dedicated duagon driver software supporting the system RTC, you can use the
functions provided there to set the system RTC also via software.
ERTC (External Real-Time Clock)
is a real-time clock additionally
connected to the processor as a system RTC.
CRTC (Chipset Real-Time Clock)
is the real-time clock of the processor.
Chapter 4.3.1 Main Menu on page 63
for the system date and time configuration
in firmware.
See the duagon website for downloads and documentation:
Chapter 2.6.5 Managing RTC Time Adjustments on page 36
Chapter 2.7.2 Managing RTC Time Adjustments on page 45
for Windows.