UEFI Firmware
UEFI Firmware
The MC50M comes with UEFI-based Aptio firmware from AMI. For more user-
friendliness it has been modified by duagon.
You can enter the firmware settings using a setup menu.
Accessing the Firmware
Power up the system.
Wait until the following message appears on the screen:
Press the <Esc> or <DEL>
A dialog appears for entering the password, if passwords have been set.
Enter the user or the administrator password.
The setup menu appears. You can now navigate through the tabs and menus via
the keyboard.
Setup Menus
The UEFI firmware has seven menus which can be selected via the tabs at the top of the
On the right side of the screen, you can find information regarding the function keys and
the selected menu item.
The following chapters only describe the specific MEN menu and the most important
features in the other tabs. Default settings are printed in
Setup Modes
There are two setup modes for both the user and the administrator profile. Using the
standard mode, menu items can be hidden which normally do not have to be modified.
You can change between modes under the MEN menu.
Press <DEL> or <ESC> to enter setup
Press <F7> to enter Boot Menu
When you access the system via a serial console, you can use only the <Esc> key.
Chapter 4.3.5 Security Menu on page 69