13. Control the number of entered remotes.
In order to check the number of remotes saved to the controller memory, after entering or removing the
remote, hold the button in the controller for 5 seconds.The LED will start blinking, indicating the number
of remotes in memory. The number of tens (long pulses) is shown, followed by the unity number (short
14. Managing MINIR2 controllers group.
MINIR2 controllers can be combined into groups, thanks to which it is possible to control multiple roller
shutters from one place, using a manual button or a remote control button. Thanks to the unequivocal
opening and closing function, it is possible to synchronize a group of controllers with a single button. The
diagram shows an example of combining controllers into a group.
number of tens - 4x10
number of units - 6
Example of pulses showing 46 assigned remotes.
An example scheme of connecting MINIR2 controllers into a group.