S e c t i o n 1 6 : D i a g n o s t i c s a n d T r o u b l e s h o o t i n g
6 7 8 9 10 11
battery trouble occurs, the panel will not restore the trou-
ble until it has been viewed using the [*][2] trouble dis-
play. The trouble will not be restore until it has been
viewed, even if the cause of the trouble has been physi-
cally restored. If the option if turned off, the panel will
restore these troubles as soon as the trouble condition is
physically restored. The option is off by default.
Trouble conditions can be transmitted to the central sta-
tion, if programmed (see Section 5.7 “Reporting Codes”).
To view trouble conditions, press the [*] key then [2]. The
keypad display will indicate the trouble. All possible
trouble displays and a description of each is listed below.
16.5 System Fault Squawk
If the
option is turned on, when the sys-
tem detects a zone tamper, zone fault or a module
tamper, all the burglary bell outputs will squawk once
every 5 seconds. The “squawks” will be silenced when
the alarm is silenced or a key is pressed on that partition.
By default this option is off.
Trouble Condition
Battery Trouble
The battery connected to the control panel is low.
AC Trouble
There is a power failure (keypad will be silent).
Aux Supply
The AUX, SAUX+ or PGM terminals on the alarm
control panel are overloaded
TLM Trouble
There is a trouble with the telephone line.
TLM TBL Line #1
There is a trouble on telephone line 1 (only gener-
ated when using the PC4701 Fire Module).
TLM TBL Line #2
There is a trouble on telephone line 2 (only gener-
ated when using the PC4701 Fire Module).
FTC Trouble
The alarm control panel can no longer communicate
with the central monitoring station. The trouble is
generated after the programmed failed communica-
tion attempts. If a later attempt to communicate is
successful, the trouble is cleared.
Bell CCT Trouble
The bell circuit is open (PC4020 or PC4702).
Fire Trouble
A fire loop is open circuit (indicated by the trouble
sound; cannot be silenced). If the alarm control
panel loses communication with any expansion mod-
ule, all Fire/Burglary outputs will activate once every
10 seconds until a keypress is made, or module com-
munication is restored.
2 Wire Smoke
The fire zone on a PC4701 Fire Module is open. The
keypad will display “2-Wire Smoke” until the trouble
is restored.
Ground Fault
The earth ground (EGND) connection is shorted to a
positive voltage source or shorted to a non-earth
ground potential.
The Waterflow zone on a PC4701 Fire Module is
open. The keypad will display “Waterflow TBL” until
the zone trouble is restored.
Loss of Time
This trouble is cleared when the system’s time and
date are reset.
Module Com
The panel has lost communications with a module.
Check to see if the module is connected properly,
then do a system reset. Only qualified service per-
sonnel can perform this function.
Combus Low
Modules are not getting enough voltage from the
Combus. Check for proper connection of Combus, or
repower the Combus, if required. Only qualified ser-
vice personnel can perform this function.
4204 Battery TBL
The battery connected to any PC4204 relay output
module is low (module number indicated in report-
ing code transmission and event buffer).
4204 AC Trouble
A PC4204 relay output module loses incoming AC
power (keypad will be silent).
4204 AUX Trou-
The Auxiliary supply on any PC4204 relay module is
Trouble Condition
LINKS Trouble
A LINKS unit has one or more of the following trou-
ble conditions: loss of AC power, low battery, loss of
cellular communication or a tamper fault.
The control panel has failed to complete communi-
cations with the downloading computer.
Device Fault
A wireless zone has failed to report a zone supervi-
sory (press [*] to view which zone).
Device Low Batt
A wireless zone has a low battery (press [*] to view
which zone/device).
Device Tamper
A wireless zone has a tamper condition (press [*] to
view which zone).
The ESCORT4580 loses communication with the
Automation Output control module. If there is an
AC trouble present, the panel will not transmit the
Automation Fault reporting code to the central sta-
4820 Battery
The battery connected to a PC4820 module is low.
4820 AC Trouble
A PC4820 module has lost AC power.
4820 Lock Trou-
A PC4820 module has a trouble with one of its lock-
ing devices. A lock trouble occurs when the lock
power output is overloaded or the lock power fuse
has failed.
4820 Aux Trou-
The PC4820’s Auxiliary (AUX) supply is overloaded.
4820 Rdr Pw TBL
A PC4820 module’s card reader power output is
overloaded or the reader power fuse has failed.
Smoke Low Sens
A WLS906 Smoke Detector’s sensitivity is low.
4164 Signal Tbl
Wireless zone transmissions are not being received
by the PC4164-RS wireless receiver.
RF Jam Detected
Wireless device transmissions not being received by
the PC4164-RS wireless receiver
4702 AC TBL
The PC4702 module has lost AC power.
4702 Battery TBL
The battery connected to the PC4702 is low.
Bells Silenced
Fire alarm signals have been silenced. Trouble will
clear when the system is reset (enter access code)
Insp. Test Active
The fire inspector's test has been initiated. Trouble
will clear when the test mode is disabled.
Printer Off-Line
The printer connected to the PC4400 module is off-
PC4400 Trouble
The DVAC line from central station is not present,
the module has failed internal diagnostics or DVAC
communications have been shut down.