S e c t i o n 1 2 : C o m m u n i c a t i o n s P r o g r a m m i n g
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generate the type of signal being transmitted, such as
Burglary, Fire, Panic etc. The 2-digit reporting code is
used to identify the zone or user code number.
AutoRep SIA
Ref #: [000401] and scroll to option
If the SIA format is selected, the panel can be pro-
grammed to automatically generate all zone and user
code numbers, thus eliminating the need to program
these items.
If the “AutoRep SIA” toggle option is enabled, the panel
will operate as follows:
1. If an event’s reporting code is programmed as [00],
the panel will not attempt to call the central station.
2. If the reporting code for an event is programmed as
anything from [01] to [FF], the panel will
generate the zone or user code number.
The Communicator Call Direction options can be used to
disable the reporting of events such as openings and
If the “AutoRep SIA” toggle option is disabled, the panel
will operate as follows:
1. If an event’s reporting code is programmed as [00] or
[FF], the panel will not attempt to call central station.
2. If the reporting code for an event is programmed as
anything from [01] to [FE], the panel will send the
programmed reporting code.
For Communicator Toggle Option programming, please
see Section 12.4.
SIA 1 Account#
Ref #: [000401] and scroll to option
If the “SIA 1 Account#” toggle option is enabled, the SIA
communication format will send the system ID code
along with the partition number with each data trans-
mission. If disabled, the communication format will use
all eight Partition ID codes to identify partition events. If
this option is enabled, partition account numbers are not
Please refer to Appendix A “Reporting Codes” and
Appendix B “Zone Reporting Codes for a list of SIA
Pager Formats
The Pager format can be used for latchkey operation to
notify a parent when a child comes home from school or
to notify a key holder that an alarm has occurred. In
North America, the Pager Format 3 should be used.
When programming the Pager telephone number, spe-
cial programming is required in order for the panel to
transmit the page successfully. Pauses, [*] key presses
and [#] key presses may be required. For more informa-
tion about programming these special items, see Section
5.1 “Telephone Numbers.”
The panel will only make one attempt to send a page for
each event. There are three types of pager formats:
Pager Format 1
(Semadigit) transmits seven DTMF
digits for each event. Each round transmits a 4-digit
account code followed by a 2-digit reporting code fol-
lowed by the DTMF Character [#]. Only one event is
communicated per call. This format requires an initial
handshake of 440Hz and a kissoff handshake of
Do not use this format in North America.
Pager Format 2
(Semaphone) transmits no data. The
system will call the number programmed once for
every event that occurs. This format is intended to be
used with a pager but can be used to call a private resi-
dence. This format will sound the line every two sec-
onds after dialing the telephone number. Although
events are not identified, the recipient is made aware
of an alarm. Only one event is communicated per call.
No handshake or kissoff signals are required for this
Do not use this format in North America. Do
not use this format with 1300 Hz ID.
Pager Format 3
is similar to Pager Format 1 except that
no handshake or kissoff signals are required.
Do not use this format with 1300 Hz ID. UL has
only verified compatibility of the PC4020/4020CF with
the Silent Knight model 9000, Ademco model 685,
Linear model 3060 and Radionics model D6500.
12.7 Reporting Codes
Reporting codes must be programmed in order for the
panel to report events to the central station.
Reporting codes are two digits and can use hexadecimal
digits A through F. Some communicator formats only
require one digit (see Section 12.6 “Communicator For-
To disable a reporting code, program it with “FF”
(default setting) or “00.” Pressing the [*] key when enter-
ing the code will call up a menu for hex digit entry. For
instructions on programming HEX digits, see Section 3.3
“Programming Hexadecimal Data.”
All reporting codes are listed and described in Appendix
A “Reporting Codes.”