Deleting Partitions
Ref #: [0101]
Scroll to the partition to be deleted, then press [*]. When
a partition is deleted, the programming assigned to it
will not be erased. If the partition is re-enabled, the pro-
gramming that was entered will still be there.
: When a partition is deleted, the zones
assigned to it are removed from the Zone Assign-
Copying Partitions
Ref #: [0102]
Enter this section to copy the programming from one
partition to another one. The programming that will be
copied includes the Customer ID Code, Partition Tog-
gles, Partition Times, Access Code Levels and Command
Output Labels. The zone assignment will not be copied.
To copy a partition:
1. The panel will prompt “From Which Partition”. Scroll
to the partition you want to copy programming from.
Press [*].
2. The panel will prompt “To Which Partition”. Scroll to
the partition you want to copy programming to.
Press [*].
Both partitions now have the same programming.
5.3 Adding Zones to Partitions
Add New Zone
Ref #: [0100XX0300] where XX = partition number
Zones must be assigned to partitions in order for them to
operate. By default, the first 16 zones on the control
panel are assigned to Partition 1. When you select this
menu item, the panel will display the first zone not
assigned to the partition. Use the arrow keys (<>) to
scroll through the zones not assigned to the partition.
When the zone to be added is displayed, press the [*] key
to select it.
Once you have selected the zone to add, there are three
items to be programmed:
1. Zone Label: this 14-character label will appear on the
LCD display of the keypad.
2. Zone Type: this determines how the zone will oper-
3. Zone Attributes: these attributes are toggled on and
off and affect how the zone will function.
For instructions on programming these items, see Section
5.4 “Zone Programming.”
Press [#] once you have finished programming a zone.
The keypad will display the next available zone to be
Global Zones
If a given zone is added to more than one partition, it
becomes a
global zone
. A global zone differs from single
partition zones in the following ways:
• A global zone will not be armed until all partitions to
which the zone is assigned are armed.
• A global Delay type zone will follow the longest pro-
grammed delay time of the partitions it is assigned to.
• A global Stay/Away type zone will not be activated
until all partitions the zone is assigned to are armed in
the Away mode, or the interior has been activated by
pressing [*] [1].
• When a global zone is manually bypassed, as soon as
any partition the zone is assigned to is disarmed, the
zone will no longer be bypassed.
Edit Zone
Ref #: [0100XX0301] where XX = partition number
When you select this menu item, the panel will display
the first zone assigned to the partition. Use the arrow
keys (<>) to scroll through the zones assigned to the par-
tition. When the zone to be edited is displayed, press the
[*] key to select it.
Adding and editing zones follow the same menu system.
All options for editing a zone are described in Section 5.4
“Zone Programming.”
Delete Zone
Ref #: [0100XX0302] where XX = partition number
When you select this menu item, the panel will display
the first zone assigned to the partition. Use the arrow
keys (<>) to scroll through the zones assigned to the par-
tition. When the zone to be deleted is displayed, press
the [*] key to delete it. Press the [#] key to exit once all
zones not required for the partition have been deleted.
5.4 Zone Programming
Ref #: [0100XX0301YYY] where XX = partition number
and YYY = zone number
Once a zone has been added to a partition, you must pro-
gram the following:
• zone label
• zone type
• zone attributes
To program the zone, enter the reference number indi-
cated above. Press [*] to select the zone. The three pro-
gramming items are accessible from the zone
programming menu.
Zone Labels
When the zone label programming option is selected, the
panel will display the presently programmed label
(default “Zone XXX”). Follow the instructions below to
program the label.
Programming System Labels
A cursor will appear under the first letter of the default
label. Move the cursor to left or right by pressing the
arrow (< >) keys. The letters of the alphabet have been
divided up among the number keys 1 to 9 on the keypad
as follows:
[1] = A, B, C, 1
[2] = D, E, F, 2
[3] = G, H, I, 3
[4] = J, K, L, 4
[5] = M, N, O, 5
[6] = P, Q, R, 6
[7] = S, T, U, 7
[8] = V, W, X, 8
[9] = Y, Z, 9, 0
[0] = Space
For example, if you press the [4] key once, the letter “J”
will appear above the cursor on the display. Press the [4]
key again, the next letter “K” will appear, and so on. If a
different number key is pressed, the cursor will automat-
ically move to the right one space. To erase a character,
use the arrow keys to move the cursor under the charac-
ter, then press the [0] key.
There are other options when programming labels. Press
the [*] key to call up the options menu. Scroll through the