Section 10: System Programming
10.1 AC/DC Power Options
Ref # [000200]
The following options are used to determine the power
settings for the system. Press [*] to toggle each option on
or off.
Power Up Shunt
: If enabled, all zones will be inactive
during the first two minutes of power up to prevent
causing false alarms. (Default = Yes)
AC Trouble Displayed
: If enabled, the system key-
pads will display an AC trouble. If disabled, the AC
Trouble will not be included in the system trouble indi-
cations. (Default = Yes)
AC Frequency 60 Hz
: Enable this feature if the AC
cycles at 60Hz; disable it for a 50Hz cycle. The stan-
dard for North America is 60 Hz. (Default = Yes)
AC Inhibits Arming
: If enabled, the system cannot be
armed when an AC trouble condition is present on the
main panel, PC4204, PC4702 or PC4820. If disabled,
the system can be armed with the presence of an AC
trouble. (Default = No)
DC Inhibits Arming
: If enabled, the system will not
arm when a low battery condition is present on the
alarm control panel, the PC4204, PC4702 or the
PC4820. If disabled, the system can be armed with the
presence of an DC trouble.(Default = No)
This feature does not apply to wireless devices.
If enabled, a battery trouble will not inhibit arming.
The control panel and PC4204/4702/4820 modules will
only communicate and log to the event buffer three
low battery events per 24 hour period (reset at mid-
10.2 Bell Circuit Supervision
Ref#: [00020300] Bell Cut-off
Ref#: [000200] System (Bell) Options
Bell Cut-off time
will determine how long the fire/
burg bell outputs will activate for when an alarm occurs.
Valid entries are from 000-255 minutes. The default set-
ting is 004 minutes.
The following system toggle options items will deter-
mine how the fire/burg bell outputs will operate.
Bell Shutdown
: If enabled, the burg bell outputs will
not activate for a zone that has reached the swinger
shutdown limit, if programmed. If disabled, a zone
alarm will always activate the burg bell outputs.
(Default = Yes)
Fire Timeout
If enabled, the fire bell outputs will fol-
low the bell time-out. If disabled, the fire bell outputs
will remain active until a valid access code is entered
to silence the alarm. (Default = Yes)
For more information regarding the bell output pro-
gramming, please see Section 11.1 “Main Panel Outputs
– Bell Output.” For information on bell circuit wiring,
please see Section 2.11 “Bell Output Wiring.”
10.3 Clock Options
Set System Time and Date
The System time and date can be programmed by the
user and thus is not accessible in the Installer’s Program-
ming mode. For instructions on programming the time
and date, see the PC4020 Instruction Manual “Setting the
Time and Date.”
Daylight Savings
Ref #: [00020303]
Program the date on which daylight savings time will
begin. The month, day and week are required (where
MM = 01-12; D = 1-7 Sunday-Saturday; W = 1-5).
To program daylight savings time to start on the first
Sunday in April, enter [0411]. At 2 a.m. on the pro-
grammed day, the time will automatically adjust to 3
a.m. daylight savings time. All scheduled events that
would have occurred during the hours of 2 and 3 a.m.
will not occur for this day.
Standard Time
Ref #: [00020304]
Program the date on which standard time will begin. The
month, day and week are required (where MM = 01-12;
D = 1-7 Sunday-Saturday; W = 1-5).
To program standard time to start on the last Sunday in
October, enter [1015]. (Sometimes, there are five Sundays
in a month. If there are not 5 Sundays in the month, the
change to standard time will occur on the 4th Sunday.)
At 2 a.m. on the programmed day, the time will automat-
ically adjust to 1 a.m. standard time. Any scheduled
events between 1 and 2 a.m. on this day will occur twice.
System Clock Options
Ref #: [000200]
The following system options pertain to the system
clock. Press [*] to toggle each option either on or off.
Military Time
: If enabled, the clock will display 24
hour time (military time) and date will show as MM/
DD/YY. If disabled, the clock will display 12 hour
time—with an “a” for a.m. or “p” for p.m.—and the
date will show as Month/DD/YY. The printed time
and date also follows this option. (Default = No)
Crystal Time
: If enabled, the timebase will be the inter-
nal crystal oscillator. If disabled, the timebase will be
the AC power input. The crystal oscillator should be
used for applications with a less reliable AC power
source. (Default = No)
Clock Adjust
Ref #: [00020308]
This option is to compensate for any timebase inaccu-
racy. The panel will replace the last minute of each day
with the number of seconds programmed in this section.
For example, if the panel seems to lose nine seconds per
day, program this section as [051]. Valid entries are 000-
255 seconds. The default value is [060].
: Do not schedule events to occur during the
clock adjust time.