[989] DNS 2 IP Address
This section will display the IP address of DNS Server 2. This is useful when the unit is configured for
DHCP and the IP address assigned to the device by the DHCP Server is needed. This value is pro-
grammed in section [008] or assigned by DHCP.
[990] Boot Loader Version
This section will display the current boot loader version of the communicator.
[991] Communicator Firmware Version
This section will display the current firmware version of the device. Update worksheets with new version
after a flash update is completed.
[992] Ethernet IP Address
This section will display the IP address of the Ethernet connection. This value is programmed in section
[001] or assigned by DHCP.
[993] Ethernet Gateway Address
This section will display the IP address of the Ethernet gateway. This value is programmed in section
[003] or assigned by DHCP.
[994] Cellular IP Address
This section will display the current dynamic IP address assigned by DHCP to the cellular connection.
Cellular uses DHCP (dynamic IP) only. The cellular IP address is always provided by the cellular
network (i.e., not programmable).
[995] SIM Number
This section will display the Subscriber Identity Module (SIM) number of the SIM card installed in the com-
municator. Format is: Major Industry Identifier (2 digits); Mobile Country Code (2 or 3 digits); Mobile Net-
work Code (2 - 3 digits); Unique Number (10 - 12 digits); and Checksum (1 digit). Valid SIM numbers
range is: 18 - 21 numbers. This number is printed on the SIM and the outside of the communicator car-
The checksum digit is omitted on 19-digit SIM card numbers.
[996] Cellular Telephone Number
This section will display the cellular telephone number of the SIM. This telephone number is
required by the Installer for DLS and remote firmware (flash) update. User can access this tele-
phone number by entering [*] [6] < > “Cellular Phone No.” to display the phone number.
[997] IMEI Number
This section will display the unique 15-digit International Mobile Equipment Identity (IMEI) of the radio.
Format is: Reporting Body Identifier (2 digits), Allocation Number (4 digits); Final Assembly Code (2
digits); Serial Number (6 digits); and a check digit.
[998] MAC Address
This section will display the unique12-digit, hexadecimal number assigned as the Media Access Control
(MAC) address of the device.
System Reset Defaults
[999] Software Default
Default (99);
The software default allows the installer to refresh the unit after changes and also returns the com-
municator to the default state.
00: Default Module.
All programming sections in the module revert to factory settings. This will erase all
existing programming of the unit.
55: Reset.
The communicator is reset. This option is equivalent to power cycling the communicator.