If both Ethernet receiver 2 and cellular receiver 2 are the same receiver (IP and port number are
identical), Ethernet receiver 2 account will be used for Ethernet and cellular.
[112] Ethernet Receiver 2 DNIS
Default (000000)
The DNIS is used in addition to the account code to identify the communicator module at the central sta-
tion. Valid range: 000000 - 099999. Value is entered as leading 0 followed by the 5-digit DNIS. Format is
Each Ethernet/cellular receiver must be programmed with a unique DNIS.
[113] Ethernet Receiver 2 Address
Default (
Programming the Ethernet receiver 2 IP address with will disable Ethernet.
Enter the Ethernet receiver 2 IP address. This address will be provided by the central station system
administrator. Format is 4 fields, each field is a 3-digit decimal. Valid range: 000-255.
When a valid IP address has been programmed, Ethernet receiver 2 is enabled and will com-
municate events over the Ethernet channel.
Ethernet receiver 2 and cellular receiver 2 may be configured to communicate to the same central station
To configure the device to operate using this common receiver mode functionality, program the Ethernet
receiver 2 and cellular receiver 2 IP address and port number with the same values. When operating in
common receiver mode the Ethernet receiver 2 account code will be used for communications over Eth-
ernet and cellular.
Do not program Ethernet receiver 1 and Ethernet receiver 2 to communicate to same receiver.
[114] Ethernet Receiver 2 UDP Remote Port
Default (0BF5/3061)
This section is used to program the port number used by Ethernet receiver 2. Set the value of this port
when the installation is located behind a firewall, and must be assigned a particular port number as
determined by the central station system administrator. Valid range: 0000 - FFFF.
Do not program Ethernet receiver 1 and Ethernet receiver 2 port with the same value.
[115] Ethernet Receiver 2 UDP Local Port
Default (0BF9/3065)
Use this section to program the value of the local outgoing port. Set et the value of this port when the
installation is located behind a firewall and must be assigned a particular port number as determined by
the network administrator. Valid range: 0000 - FFFF.
Do not program Ethernet receiver 1 and Ethernet receiver 2 port with the same value.
[116] Ethernet Receiver 2 Domain Name
Default ( )
Enter the Domain Name as 32 character ASCII.
Ethernet Options
[124] Ethernet Test Transmission Time
Default (9999)
Enter a 4 digit number (0000-2359) using the 24-hour clock format (HHMM) to set the test transmission
time of day. Valid range: 00 - 23 hours (HH) and 00 - 59 minutes (MM). Programming a value of 9999 will
disable the test transmission time.
The internal date and time will automatically be programmed when the unit communicates with
the primary receiver.
[125] Ethernet Test Transmission Cycle
Default (000000)
This value represents the interval between test transmissions, in minutes. Valid range: 000000 - 999999
minutes. Once the unit has sent the initial periodic test transmission, all future test transmissions will be off-
set by the programmed number of minutes. See sections [026] - [029].
Table 11: Ethernet Test Transmission Interval
Test Transmission Inter-
Programmed Minutes