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Driver board 2
channel 1)
Encoder : One circle count is 3724
Angle Resolution: 3724/ (2*PI)
This joint is working in position control mode(mode 3):
For example:
Command: !PR 1 -200\r
It will drive this joint to right.
Command: !PR 1 200\r
It will drive this joint left.
Command: !P 1 -250\r
It will drive this motor to encoder position -250.(make sure you know where it is
and not in stuck state)
On control board, we set current limitation for this joint. It will enter emergency stop state
when current is over 8A or current over 5A for over 1000ms.
You could read temperature sensor via analog channel 3(AI 3).
The temperature sensor is B57164K103J, you could find how to convert the readings to
temperature from the sample codes.
Driver board 2
channel 2)
Encoder : One circle count is 756
Angle Resolution: 756/ (2*PI)
This joint is working in open loop control mode(mode 0):
For example:
Command: !G 2 -200\r
It will drive Gripper close.
Command: !G 2 200\r
It will drive Gripper open.
Command: !G 2 0\r
It will stop this motor.(make sure you send this command to stop the Gripper
before it reaches mechanical limitation)
On control board, we set current limitation for this joint. It will enter emergency stop state
when current is over 2A or current over 1A for over 1000ms.
You could read temperature sensor via analog channel 4(AI 4).
The temperature sensor is B57164K103J, you could find how to convert the readings to
temperature from the sample codes.
Advanced Development
Please refer to document “GPS-IMU Sensor Module and Outdoor Autonomous Navigation Program” for detail on
autonomous navigation programming using the Jaguar GPS and IMU system module.
Support and sample codes are available for using OpenCV, LabVIEW and MATLAB. Please contact