7. TM70
This option allows the operation of one crane individually by using two transmitters with two
different ID codes, which determine which transmitter is governing the crane at a certain time.
For First come – First served applications the receiver is required to scan the radio channels
in order to receive radio signals from different transmitters.
The First come – First served mode is defined by EEPROM, and the transmitters do not need
to have a selector. The First come – First served mode consists of a receiver which liberates
the ID code every time the receiver is switched off, and hence it starts searching for IDs
defined in the EEPROM ID code list. The first valid ID code found is selected, and locked on
to it until the operator releases the crane by pressing the Stop button. After a time defined in
EEPROM (0.1 – 25 seconds, default 4 seconds), the receiver liberates the ID to which it was
locked and starts scanning IDs and radio channels. The first transmitter switched on is the
First transmitter to hold control of the crane, and it will not let any other transmitter to have
control of the crane until the transmitter is switched off.
A First Come – First Served operation with cranes is always delicate, given that the
receiver is FREE every time the STOP button is pressed or there is a radio link