Follow these steps to sharpen most right-hand scissors. (not in-
tended for industrial or hair cutting shears).
• Install the Scisssor and Tool guide. (remove/install guides by
sliding straight up/down into the t-slots).
• Make sure the blade is clean and dry before sharpening.
• Position the machine so that you are facing the scissor guide
side as shown below (drill port facing away from you).
• Set the power switch to low speed (
Sharpening Scissors
1. Open the scissors past 90° and insert one blade into the scissor
guide with the flat side touching the scissor guide surface.
2. Feed the blade into the disc until it just makes contact with
the abrasive. Only light pressure is needed to sharpen most
3. Slide the scissor blade along the scissor guide surface while
maintaining contact with the abrasive disc.
4. Repeat 3-5 times on each blade and try a test cut on light pa-
per. Repeat as needed.
• Only sharpen the beveled side of scissors. The flat (touching
sides are self-sharpening.
• Try using a black marker to highlight the bevel and cutting
edge. Use repeated strokes to remove all the marker from the
cutting edge.
• Some scissors and shears will be easier to sharpen the length
of the blades by disassembling the pivot. Follow the scissor
manufacturer's instructions for disassembly and cleaning.
Scissor Guide