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Reference Manual ATOM one SSM500
10.4 fps
The fps command can be used to conveniently get the current sensor and display frame-
Example output:
fps 500 50
With these values the current slow motion factor can be calculated (for the SSM500 you
also have to take account the playback speed, see the
command for details).
500 / 50 = 10x
10.5 genlock <mode>
Controls genlock interface.
The camera is able to lock the main SDI outputs lock with a precision of +/- 1 Pixel to the
reference signal. In Trigger mode the main outputs are SDI 1 (live) and SDI 3 (slow-
motion), in SSM mode SDI 1, 2, 3 and 4 are the main outputs. The other outputs are also
phase locked but have a delay of a few pixels compared to the main outputs.
: Locking to
PAL/NTSC Black Burst
signals is supported, but it
causes high
on the SDI outputs. Also the lock will only have a precision of +/- 20 pixels.
Genlock off
Input / Slave
In this mode the system will genlock to an external 1080i or
1080p tri-level sync or PAL/NTSC Black Burst signal. 720P tri-
level sync signals are not supported.
For best results use a tri-level sync signal that matches the
current video mode. The device will automatically perform
crosslocking if the supplied reference signal does not match the
current video mode. Crosslock is only supported between
modes that have the same frame-rate, for an example you can
have the camera run in 1080p50 mode and use a 1080p50 or
1080i50 tri-level sync signal or a PAL Black Burst signal.
In case a lock is not possible (unknown format, missing sync
signal, reference does not compatible with video mode) the
system will report a “Error: gen-lock error” after ~10 seconds
and will start without genlock. As soon as a valid sync signal is
detected the device will try to lock to it. This will cause no image
output for a few seconds until the lock was established.
As long as genlock is enabled, any
command will try to genlock to the reference signal.
If fine-tuning is needed, the vertical and horizontal offsets can