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Reference Manual ATOM one SSM500
The first value is the maximum temperature that has been logged since the last time the
user has run the
command (see below). The second value is the
overall maximum temperature, it can not be reset by the user. The third value is the
shutdown temperature, the device will go into a safe mode when it is reached and the over
temperature counter will be incremented.
8.25 max_temp_reset
Resets the logged maximum CPU temperature value to the current temperature.
8.26 over_temp_count
Dumps the over temperature counter. This counter is incremented every time the device
goes into safe mode to avoid over temperature (CPU temperature > 90°C). It is persistent
and can not be reset by the user.
over_temp_count 3
8.27 health
This command is only available in the ATOM one SSM500 in Trigger Mode.
Dumps the health state of the two SSDs which are used for video recording. This
command can be run at any time.
The output has the following format:
SSD<num>: H <error_code>(<error_text>), T <min_temp>/<current_temp>/<max_temp>,
L <remaining_lifetime>
The fields have the following meaning:
ID of the SSD
0 or 1
Bitmask that
contains the device
health status
When everything is fine this value is “0”. In
case of a detected failure the bits of this
value describe different states:
Bit 3: Device is failing, replace it
Bit 4: Prefail was detected, device
can fail within the next hours,
replace it as soon as possible.