C H A P T E R 4
Editing a Document by Voice
Dragon NaturallySpeaking User’s Guide
Say “Select period.” (If there’s more than one period, you can say “Select
Again” to select a different one.)
To replace the period with an exclamation point, say “exclamation point.”
It’s often easier to select phrases than to select individual words. Selecting more
words makes it easier for Dragon NaturallySpeaking to find the matching text. If you
select some words that are already correct, just say them again along with the ones you
want to change.
Selecting the same text again
If the words you’re trying to select appear more than once on the screen,
and Dragon NaturallySpeaking selects the wrong ones, just say “Select
The program then looks for another instance of the same word or words.
It always searches backward from where you are. (If you want the
program to always search forward, you can change this setting. On the
Tools menu, click Options, and then click the Miscellaneous tab. Clear
the “Select searches backward” check box.)
You can also say “Select Again” if Dragon NaturallySpeaking selects a
word that sounds like but is not the word you want (for example, “two”
instead of “too”).
Unselecting words
You can “unselect” words by moving your cursor (by mouse or voice) to
another part of your document. For example, say “Go to End of Line” or
click somewhere else in your document.
Another way to unselect words is to use the “Select” command to select
different text.
About Select-and-Say
Select-and-Say is an easy way to revise words when you change your
mind or realize you weren’t dictating clearly, but it’s not a good way
to correct speech-recognition errors. Only by using the Correction
dialog box can you teach Dragon NaturallySpeaking not to make the
same mistakes again.