C H A P T E R 3
More About Dictating
Dragon NaturallySpeaking User’s Guide
To create a dictation shorthand:
On the Dragon NaturallySpeaking Tools menu, click Vocabulary Editor.
In the Written form box, type the text you want typed into your
In the Spoken form box, type the phrase you want to say to insert the
written form text.
Here are some guidelines for selecting a spoken form:
Try to use unique phrases—don’t use a phrase you might want to
use in your writing.
Make the spoken form something easy for you to remember.
Use real words; otherwise, Dragon NaturallySpeaking may not know
how they are pronounced and will prompt you to train them.
If you use letters, put a space between them and a period after each
one (for example, J. V. O.).
The written and spoken forms can’t be more than 128 characters long. You
can enter spaces, but you can’t enter backslashes, nonprinting characters (for example,
by pressing the TAB or ENTER key), or formatted characters (bold, italics, and so on).
Click Add.
Dragon NaturallySpeaking adds the dictation shorthand to the
vocabulary. When you dictate the spoken form, the program now enters
the written form into your document.
If Dragon NaturallySpeaking has trouble recognizing the dictation
shorthand, you can train the phrase from Vocabulary Editor (select it and
click Train).
You can create a dictation shorthand for a word you’re having trouble getting
Dragon NaturallySpeaking to recognize (for example, if the program often types “Lara”
when you say “Laura” and correcting and training the word doesn’t help). In this