C H A P T E R 2
Using Dragon NaturallySpeaking Successfully
Dragon NaturallySpeaking User’s Guide
Training words when using Find New Words or
Vocabulary Builder
When you use Find New Words or run Vocabulary Builder, you’re
prompted to train any new words you select for adding to the vocabulary.
Training new words is a good idea, but it’s not required. If a word is
pronounced the way it’s spelled, Dragon NaturallySpeaking should be
able to recognize it without training. If after adding a word, you find that
Dragon NaturallySpeaking doesn’t recognize it, you can train the word
from Vocabulary Editor or from the Tools menu (see the following
Training words from Vocabulary Editor
You can look up a word in Vocabulary Editor and then train Dragon
NaturallySpeaking to recognize it.
To train a word from Vocabulary Editor:
On the Dragon NaturallySpeaking Tools menu, click Vocabulary Editor.
Locate the word you want to train in the list (by typing the first few
letters in the Written form box).
If the word you want to train doesn’t appear in Vocabulary Editor, it means
the word isn’t in the active vocabulary. You need to add it to the active vocabulary before
you can train it. (See “Adding words in Vocabulary Editor” on page 24.)
Select the word. (You can select more than one word to train by holding
down the
key while you click.)
Click Train.
For further instructions, see steps 2–4 beginning on page 39.