C H A P T E R 3
Improving Your Speech Recognition
Dragon NaturallySpeaking User’s Guide
If the word you want to edit doesn’t appear in Vocabulary Editor, it means the
word isn’t in the active vocabulary. You need to add it to the active vocabulary before
you can edit it. (See “Editing your vocabulary” on page 41.)
Select the word.
Type the new spoken form into the Spoken Form box. Make sure you
type it exactly as is it pronounced.
(optional) Make any changes, such as punctuation or capitalization, to
the Written Form box.
Click Add. This adds the word with your changes.
If the word was already in the active vocabulary before you edited it, you
should then delete the original word.
To delete a word from the vocabulary:
Normally, you don’t need to delete words from the vocabulary. But if a
word is regularly confused with another one that you never use, you
might want to delete the one you don’t use.
To delete a word, select it and click Delete. (You can select multiple
words by holding down the
key while you click. Clicking while
holding the
key will select consecutive words.)
Some common words (like “the”) cannot be deleted, since Dragon
NaturallySpeaking wouldn’t understand you very well without them.
Building your vocabulary
Running Vocabulary Builder teaches Dragon NaturallySpeaking about
your vocabulary and writing style. If Dragon NaturallySpeaking knows
what words you use in your writing and how you put them together, it
can do a better job of recognizing what you say when you dictate.
Like Add Words from Documents, Vocabulary Builder works by
“reading” documents you’ve already written on the computer. It uses
these documents to gather language data about the frequency of words
you use and the order in which they typically appear. For example, if
Vocabulary Builder were analyzing this guide, it would learn that the
word “Dragon” is used frequently and the words “by voice” often
UG5.bk Page 44 Friday, August 4, 2000 2:26 PM